Applying for a NIE number

Info application NIE number

Anyone who wants to buy a house in Spain has probably heard about the NIE number. But what exactly is it? In which cases do you need it? And, importantly, what is the easiest way to get it? Below, this is clearly explained for you.


NIE stands for Número de Identidad de Extranjero and is a tax identification number for foreigners in Spain. It is an important document that you need when moving to Spain or staying there for more than 90 days, or if you want to do certain things as described below. An NIE is personal, but it is not an identity document.


You need a NIE number for all official acts in Spain. It is proof that you officially and legally reside in Spain or register to perform certain acts, such as buying a house.

Acts for which you need a Spanish NIE number:

  • Buying a house
  • Buying a car
  • Working in Spain
  • Starting a company
  • Opening a Spanish bank account
  • Filing a tax return
  • Taking out insurance
  • Taking out a telephone subscription
  • Registering for social security


Always keep your timing in mind.

The NIE number is needed for your authentic notary deed and this will be realized on average within 3 months of signing your purchase contract!

In your own country

The quick and easy way, from your seat Online via

By indicating Inmo Cobat, you enjoy 5% discount4 weeks - Prior service 2 weeks

The cheaper way: Appointment at your local Consulate.

Required documents:

The document EX-15

(Solicitud de NIE y Extranjeros): complete in triplicate, print and bring along. At steps 1 and 3, fill in your home address.

The form MODELO 790 CODIGO 012

Fill in (fill in address), sign and bring.Valid identity card: original + copy (recto/verso) Passport photos in colour

Can take up to 2-3 months (necessary time to obtain appointment and receive NIE)


You appoint your lawyer or gestor to apply, in your place, for the NIE number locally

A notarised (limited) power of attorney is drawn up to carry out the application NIE number in your place.

If desired, you can expand the power of attorney with other authorisations (purchase of property in your name, etc.....)

Documents needed: document EX15 + model 790 (*see below, administrative idem procedure)

Depending on how quickly your intermediary can book an appointment at the police station.

You book an appointment at the local police station with an ‘Oficina de Extranjeros’ department

Please note: experience shows that it is not simple or easy to book an appointment!

Step 1: Make an appointment

To make an appointment, do so via this link :

The page is only available in Spanish. Don't speak Spanish (yet)? No worries!

Just follow these steps:

PROVINCIAS DISPONIBLES: select the relevant province (e.g. Alicante). Click on ACEPTAR.


Tick PASAPORTE and enter the number of your passport.

You will then receive a message telling you to enter your details carefully and not to use spaces or dashes. If you have entered data incorrectly, the appointment will have to be cancelled.

NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: fill in your first and last name, as shown on your passport.

AÑO DE NACIMIENTO: enter the year of your birth.

PAIS DE NACIONALIDAD: enter your nationality.

Tick that you are not a robot and click on ACEPTAR. A new page will open. Click on SOLICITAR CITA (make an appointment). A new page will open where you can select an office. Then click on SIGUIENTE.

Enter your telephone number, e-mail address and reason for the appointment (SOLICITUD NIE). Click on SIGUIENTE.

Sometimes it happens that appointments are not available (NO HAY SUFICIENTES CITAS DISPONIBLES). In that case, you will be asked to try again later, so you don't have to do anything for a while. TIP: then try again on a Monday morning around 08:00h, as that is usually when new appointments are scheduled!

If appointments are available, choose the desired date and click on SIGUTE.

On the next page, confirm the appointment by ticking ESTOY CONFORME CON LA INFORMACIÓN MOSTRADA EN PANTALLA (‘I agree with the information shown’). Also tick that you want to receive the appointment confirmation by e-mail DESEO RECIBIR UN CORREO ELECTRÓNICO CON LOS DATOS DE MI CITA. Click on CONFIRMAR.

The next and last page will show a confirmation of your appointment. Be sure to print that one. It sometimes happens that you do not receive a confirmation e-mail. Without printed proof of the appointment, you may not be helped.

Needed documents

DocumentThe document EX15:

(Solicitud de NIE y Extranjeros): print in duplicate, complete and bring with you.

The form Model 790:

Completed and signed by the bank, see step 2 + proof of payment.

(You can get more info on this form from any bank).

A valid identity document: original + copy (recto/verso)

Colour passport photos

The reason why you need a NIE number.

This could e.g. be your intention to buy property or stay in Spain for a longer period of time.

A confirmation of your appointment (printed). You will be shown this confirmation later and can print it immediately.

Step 2: visit a bank to pay the tax

Before you effectively go to the police station, you need to fill in form790.

With this, visit any bank to pay the tax. Fill in your personal details and tick ASIGNACIÓN DE NÚMERO DE IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO (NIE) A INSTANCIA DEL INTERESADO.

The amount will be shown at the bottom of the page. The rate is adjusted annually, and the current price will automatically appear with your request. Indicate that you want to pay on the spot at your bank by ticking EN EFECTIVO.


PRINT the document in A4(!) format, take it to your bank (as well as some cash) and pay the tax.

You will get a receipt that you should definitely not lose, as you will have to show it at your appointment at the police station.

Step 3: The appointment at the police station

Gather all the forms you need (see step 1) and make your way to the police station where you set the appointment. Be on time, the Spanish police don't wait....

The appointment itself does not involve much, and most likely you will be back outside within minutes (as opposed to the hours of preparation you made) with your Spanish NIE number in black and white. In some police stations, however, all applications are collected in the morning and processed later that day, so you may not be able to collect your NIE number until several hours later. Be prepared for this in advance!